日期:2021-12-06 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:
News headlines are the eyes of news. It is required to use concentrated language to express the most focused or noteworthy content of the news. What are the characteristics of English headlines?
1. Punctuation marks: punctuation marks are used only when displaying component relations or expressing position mood.
2. Syntax: the special implication of translation syntax is widely used in tense and voice concentration: (1) present tense is widely used. (2) The frequency of active voice is much higher than that of passive voice.
3、用詞:節約篇幅,排版美觀習語既通俗易懂、活躍形象, 還表意豐碩, 利用得當同。
3. Words: saving space and beautiful typesetting. Idioms are not only easy to understand, active image, but also rich in meaning. They are used properly.
4、修辭:翻譯運用各類修辭格增加新聞語言的藝術魅力, 吸引著讀者的目光,具有新穎性。
4. Rhetoric: translation uses various rhetorical devices to increase the artistic charm of news language, attract the attention of readers and have novelty.
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